
Profile Info for Johnnyx

I am a :
Lesbian Cub Seeking A Lesbian Cougar
Age :
Marital Status :
Dating Objetive :
Intimate Encounter
Location :
Wichita Falls, Texas, United States
Height :
5ft 7in (170cm)
Body Type :
Ethnicity :
Religion :
Profession :
Hobbies / Interests / Activities :

Learning about anything and everything that I don't already know. Fixing electronics. Shopping, fashion etc. Most of all the psychology of love making and all things related.

Favorite Shows / Movies / Music :

TV-No thank you.
Movies-Too many, I am a major movie buff.
Music-Not metal, dub step, classical, electronic, old school punk rock, folk..meh alot.

More About Me :

I'm a cocky confident person, but with good reason. I get almost anything I want when I want it. My style changes daily depending on my mood. I have a obsession with designer boxer briefs. I also like to match my underwear with either my shoes, my watch's, and my plugs. I get mistaken as a gay man often due to the fact I am nothing like any other lesbian and I look like a girl and a boy. I spend hours on my eyebrows, and yes I wear make up and no one believes me. I can also knock a man out within seconds. I can lift more than most men, I can do more than most men. I can learn anything that I want to in a quarter of the time it takes everyone else. All my friends are beautiful straight girls, my opinion is very important to them when it comes to style. I cut my own hair, I volunteer, I am say what I think which depending on my mood is not very nice, I am a junior in pre medical school, I love animals, I don't like most people but they flock to me. I was a manager of a sex store for a while, I took it too seriously when it comes to researching everything, I know anything and everything related. I have a bad reputation in most of the places I've lived but that's because I tend to be with guys girlfriends/wife's. I usually date straight or bi-sexual women due to lesbians are usually not girly enough. I really dislike gay pride and rainbows. I disagree with most gay people. I have a serious love for older women, but not just older women. The ideal older woman must be powerful, what most would think is a "bitch", wealthy, and again..powerful. Power is sexy to me.


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