Profile Info for coasterjen
MUSIC, Tattoos, Rollercoasters, cats, outdoors (camping, hiking), swimming, sports, Texas hold-em, art, among other things
I am a musician, so I completely love music... love to go to concerts. As for movies, I enjoy a wide range, just nothing too slow-paced, and not a huge fan of horror. I do enjoy suspenseful thrillers though. One of my new favorite shows just started this past weekend - Game of Thrones :) I was so excited to see it, as I love the Song of Ice and Fire series of books. I also enjoy watching cooking shows like Chopped, Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen.
I'm a bass-playing, singing, tattooed, cat-loving, rollercoaster riding engineer who loves to travel and am seeking someone who knows themselves, likes to have fun, says what they mean, and means what they say. Someone who I can have deep, meaningful conversations with, get the giggles with, not play any head games. One of my nicknames is coasterjen, due to my affinity for riding rollercoasters... yeee-hoooaaaa